As a farmer, I spend a lot of time outdoors. It is wonderful for body, mind and soul. I am lucky to have beautiful views, thriving hedgerows and lush pastures, and this does not escape me. I am thankful every day.
As the days start to really noticeably stretch in Spring, I watch in wonder as the trees come in to bud and their leaves unfurl. I imagine all of the little animals that must also be waking from their long winter nap, to start the cycle of life anew.
To call this 'poetry' is surely an indulgence... but please allow me to do so anyway.

The Unknown
Frosty mornings give way
To wet dew on grass -
Crunch underfoot
Becomes a gentle swish.
The Sun rises in the sky:
She takes a longer journey
Towards the horizon.
The clock ticks longer in the daylight,
Hours stretch ahead of us
Far into the unknown.
Soon the baby things
Will start to emerge:
Cosy and protected in the dark
They must learn to venture out
Fearlessly into the sunshine:
To explore and to eat
And to grow.
Kits, pups and cubs,
They must be brave
And face what is to come.
The winter has been too long.
It is now time to shed
Our protective layers.
We cling to them
For safety and for warmth -
Protection against the elements.
The cold begins to subside
Mercury rising, everyday higher
Bringing in its wake more light,
New life and a bright future.
So then, we too must stand
Tall and bold.
We too must look to the future.
And greet it with hope
And love and strength.
We must venture forth,
We must be fearless.
Taking those first steps
Into the light
To embrace The Unknown.